The Fat Boy Crew

The Fat Boy crew recently competed in the Tri-State Chili Cookoff.  Pictured are FBO Pro Staffers Eric White, Toby Tucker, Erik Kirkpatrick, and Britt Cornwell.  Make sure you follow us on Facebook.

A reminder that the FBO Smack Down predator hunt will be in Claude, TX February 17th and 18th.


Watch Our Videos!

Boss Man and Goose Bustin

OAF Ram Hunting

Black Ram Down

Wounded Warrior Hunt

Chicken Chase 2011

Goose Mayhem

Chicken Chase

The Pig Jumper

Hog Charged

New Years Hunt

Pig Catching

Outdoor Adventures

Valentine Special

Icy Creek

Deer Trapping

Duck Preview

Quail Hunting

Random Footage

Turkey Trapping

Management Buck

Snake Charmer