Muzzle Loader Buck!

Great story from Arkansas. This story comes from Greg Pillow who was hunting with his 9 year old son Jack. It was opening day of muzzleloading season. Jack uses a 50 cal. in line muzzleloader. We did not have any doe tags for the zone we were in. We saw several does early that morning. Around 8 am an 8 point started walking towards us. It took him forever to turn broadside. I kept telling Jack to wait. He finally turned and I told Jack to go ahead and shoot. He shot. Due to the smoke I had no idea whether he hit the deer or not. We waited about 10 minutes. Jack couldn't stand it any longer. We found blood, but not much. It was bright red. I assumed it was a flesh wound. (We later found out Jack had shot the deer in the neck. He was aiming for the lungs, but I guess he got a little excited). We trailed the deer for over 200 yards. We then jumped the deer and he ran towards us. I'm sure we was confused.It was quite a rush. We let him lay for a while and then recovered him. Jack was excited. This was his first buck that had a rack.

Congrats to Jack and his dad Greg on a nice buck! Keep sending your pictures to


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